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Brewer's: Carpet-bag Government

The government of mere adventurers. In America, a state in the South reorganised by “carpet-baggers,” i.e. Northern political adventurers, who sought a career in the Southern States after…

Local Government | Civics: Links to History

Links to History: Local Government 1000 source: Gianni Dagli Orti, Corbis/Bettmann1066 Normans conquer England and change name of shires (local administrative divisions) to…

Wealth and Poverty: What's the Government's Role?

What's the Government's Role?Wealth and PovertyIntroductionWhat Is Poverty?Who's Got How Much?Why Incomes Are Becoming More UnequalWhat's the Government's Role?Other Aspects of Wealth and PovertyThe…

Russian Government Changes, 1991–2008

by Ben Snowden Boris Yeltsin's sudden sacking of prime minister Sergei Stepashin on August 9, 1999, was part of a long series of reorganizations within the Russian government. After his…