Tabulated Data on City Governments

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
Mayor City
Council or Commission
City Term,
Salary1Name Members Term,
Albuquerque, N.M. 4 $90,314$115,003Council 9 4 $9,027
Atlanta, Ga.4 141,490 Council 18 4 32,473
Austin, Tex. 3 60,000 188,115Council 7 3 45,011
Baltimore, Md.4 125,000Council 19 4 48,000
Boston, Mass.4 125,000Council 13 2 62,500
Charlotte, N.C. 2 18,262153,773Council 11 2 13,044
Chicago, Ill.4 192,100Council 50 4 85,000
Cleveland, Ohio4 115,108Council 21 4 47,751
Colorado Springs, Colo.46,250137,000Council946,200
Columbus, Ohio 4 120,000Council 7 4 35,000
Dallas, Tex.4 60,000 263,000 Council 1552 37,500
Denver, Colo.4 122,784Council 13 4 62,304
Detroit, Mich.4 176,176 Council 9 4 81,312
El Paso, Tex.2 25,000 Council 952 15,000
Fort Worth, Tex.2 754189,010Council 952 754
Fresno, Calif. 4 99,360 149,004 Council 7 4 44,511
Honolulu, Hawaii4 112,200 107,1006Council 9 4 43,350
Houston, Tex.2165,816Council 14 2 44,218
Indianapolis, Ind.4 95,000 Council 29 4 11,400
Jacksonville, Fla. 2 150,000105,0007Council 19 4 24,000
Kansas City, Mo. 4 89,988151,740Council 1354 44,988
Las Vegas, Nev.4 53,422167,747 Council 64 40,664
Long Beach, Calif. 4 98,935 199,500Council 9 4 24,734
Los Angeles, Calif.48177,091210,1786Council 15 48136,224
Memphis, Tenn. 4 140,000 107,0006Council 13 4 20,100
Mesa, Ariz.434,450152,880Council6417,238
Miami, Fla. 4 97,000 157,538Commission 5 4 5,000
Milwaukee, Wis.4 124,625 Council 17 4 61,934
Minneapolis, Minn.4 86,288119,606Council 13 4 65,679
Nashville, Tenn. 4 75,000 8,9009Council 404 6,900
New Orleans, La.4 110,00057,900 Council 7 4 42,500
New York, N.Y.4 195,000 156,0009Council 51 4 90,000
Oakland, Calif. 4 115,371224,41610Council 954 60,00011
Oklahoma City, Okla.4 24,000 133,500 Council 8 4 12,000
Omaha, Neb. 4 95,205Council 7 4 27,813
Philadelphia, Pa.4 130,000 140,0007Council 17 4 80,000
Phoenix, Ariz. 4 56,000190,672Council 954 35,999
Portland, Ore. 4 100,901 Council 4 4 84,989
Sacramento, Calif.4 95,000 151,715 Council 9 4 2,30012
St. Louis, Mo.4 116,142Board of
29 4 28,745
San Antonio, Tex.2 3,00012200,000Council 1152 204
San Diego, Calif. 4 95,680208,653Council 8 4 71,796
San Francisco, Calif.4 161,538163,725Bd. of Supvrs. 11 4 37,584
San Jose, Calif. 4 105,000209,181Council 114 75,000
Seattle, Wash.4 136,158Council 9 4 84,800
Tucson, Ariz. 4 42,000163,200 Council 754 24,000
Tulsa, Okla. 4 105,000 Council 9 2 18,000
Virginia Beach, Va. 4 20,000167,200Council 1154 18,000
Washington, DC4 138,200 135,000 Council 13 4 92,520
Wichita, Kans.465,240141,260Council75424,850
1. Annual salary unless otherwise indicated; does not include additional payments for expenses, special sessions, etc.
2. City manager's term is indefinite and at will of council (or mayor).
3. In some cities, leaders receive a higher salary.
4. Per council meeting, with an annual cap.
5. Including mayor.
6. Appointed by mayor, approved by council.
7. Appointed by mayor; not subject to council confirmation.
8. Limited to 2 terms per city charter.
9. No city manager; salary is for deputy or vice mayor.
10. Denotes average based on range.
11. Council also serves as the Redevelopment Agency for which there is additional compensation.
12. Plus council pay.
Source: Questionnaires to the cities.

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