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Nuclear Proliferation

—Borgna Brunner Spain. On March 11, 2004, Spain's most horrific terrorist attack occurred: 202 people were killed and 1,400 were injured in bombings at Madrid's railway station. The government at…

November 2004

WorldKarzai Declared Official Winner (Nov. 3): Afghanistan's electoral board announces Hamid Karzai won October's presidential election, taking 55.4% of the vote.Arafat Falls Gravely Ill (Nov…

December 2004

WorldJailed Palestinian Militant Announces Candidacy (Dec. 1): Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti says he will run for the presidency of the Palestinian Authority, challenging former prime…

January 2005

WorldRelief Pours into Asia (Jan. 2): Helicopters based on American aircraft carriers off the Indonesian coast begin dropping tons of supplies to survivors of the tsunami that devastated 11…

February 2005

WorldNepalese King Fires Government (Feb. 1): King Gyanendra also declares a state of emergency. Many of the country's politicians are placed under house arrest, phone and Internet lines are…

March 2005

WorldLeftist Government Assumes Power in Uruguay (March 1): Tabaré Vázquez, a Socialist, sworn in as president. Inauguration marks the first time in the country's history the left is in…

April 2005

WorldRuling Party Takes Elections in Zimbabwe (April 1): President Robert Mugabe's party, Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), dominates parliamentary elections, taking…

May 2005

WorldInsurgents Continue Series of Attacks (May 1): At least 35 Iraqis die in bombings in Mosul and Baghdad. Insurgent attacks have intensified since formation of new government in late April…

June 2005

WorldSuicide Bomber Strikes in Afghanistan (June 1): At least 20 people killed, including Kabul police chief, in attack on mosque in Kandahar. European Constitution in Jeopardy (June 1):…

July 2005

WorldDiplomats Kidnapped in Iraq (July 3): Ihab al-Sharif, who was to become Egypt's ambassador to Iraq, is seized by gunmen in Baghdad. (July 7): Militant group al-Qaeda in Iraq says it has…