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January 2001 News and Events

WorldIsraelis Rally in Jerusalem (Jan. 8): Religious and nationalist groups gather to “pledge allegiance” to the Holy City and protest an American plan for its division.Iran Sentences…

February 2001 News and Events

WorldCongo's New President Addresses UN (Feb. 2): Joseph Kabila, son of slain president Laurent Kabila, promises Security Council he will open dialogue with opponents in an effort to end his…

March 2001 News and Events

WorldSuicide Bomber Kills Three Israelis (March 4): Attack in Netanya, town north of Tel Aviv, follows slaying by Israelis of six Palestinians. Tension builds in area.Israel Restores…

May 2001 News and Events

WorldPope Visits Middle East (May 5 et seq.): John Paul II greeted in Syria by new president, Bashar al-Assad, who publicly accuses Israel of torturing and murdering Palestinians. U.S.…

April 2001 News and Events

WorldSerbs Arrest Slobodan Milosevic (April 1): Former Yugoslav president held at Belgrade's Central Prison. He surrenders after receiving a guarantee of a fair trial. U.S. Plane and Chinese…

June 2001 News and Events

World Blast Kills 17 in Tel Aviv (June 1): Dozens injured in powerful blast by suicide bomber outside crowded disco. Most deadly attack since Israeli-Palestinian violence began last fall. Peru…

July 2001 News and Events

World David Trimble Resigns (July 1): First minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly steps down as IRA continues to balk at disarmament. Russians Raid Two Chechen Villages (July 3 et seq.):…

August 2001 News and Events

World Bosnian Serb Convicted by Hague Court (Aug. 2): International war-crimes tribunal finds former general Radislav Krstic guilty of genocide for role in execution of some 7,000 unarmed Muslim…

September 2001 News and Events

World U.S. Accepts China's Missile Program (Sept. 1): Plans to drop objections to China's arms buildup in compromise to overcome objections to American missile-defense program. Race Conference…

October 2001 News and Events

World Suicide Bombers Kill Dozens in Kashmir (Oct. 1): Car bomb kills at least 38 in Srinagar, increasing Indian-Pakistani tension. Pakistan-based Islamic militants claim responsibility. Serbs…