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October 1999 News and Events

1999 News Month-By-Month World Russia Severs Ties with Chechnya (Oct. 1): Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acts after eight days in which Russian planes bombed strongholds of Islamic militants using…

Superpower Takes a Back Seat

1999 News of the Nation The four days of air strikes against Iraq in Dec. 1998, an international P.R. disaster for the U.S. and Britain, were followed by a low-profile war of attrition, in which…

White House Wannabes Start Early

1999 News of the Nation Iowa's January 2000 caucuses were expected to signal the real starting line of the next presidential race, but political pundits declared that the race had in fact begun in…

Acquittal on High Crimes

1999 News of the Nation A Senate trial in the first two months of 1999 followed President Clinton's impeachment in Dec. 1998. On Feb. 12, the Senate acquitted the President on both counts of…

Social Security versus Tax Cuts

1999 News of the Nation In the aftermath of impeachment, angry Republicans in Congress intensified their anti-Clinton acrimony at the expense of legislation. Rabid partisanship and distrust…

Jury Still Out on Gun Control

1999 News of the Nation Despite the encouraging FBI report that the murder rate continues to plummet—it is now at its lowest level since 1967—a spate of isolated killing sprees in 1999 traumatized…

NATO Rallies for Kosovo

1999 News of the World Years of unrest in Yugoslavia's province of Kosovo erupted into war in the spring of 1999. Formerly an autonomous province in Tito's Yugoslavia, Kosovo was stripped of self-…

Kashmiri Shell Game

1999 News of the World The disputed region of Kashmir has been at the root of chronic antagonism between Pakistan and India, and their enmity has grown potentially more dangerous now that both…

Nightmare in East Timor

1999 News of the World A Portuguese colony for 400 years until abruptly abandoned in 1975, East Timor was seized within a year by Indonesia. The Indonesian occupation led to widespread repression…

South America Inherits Asia's Woes

1999 News of the World The Asian financial crisis seemed to stabilize by 1999, although recovery will require patience: the World Bank estimated that the four largest economies affected (Indonesia…