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Displaying 231 - 240

January 2002

WorldMarines Secure Taliban Compounds (Jan. 1): Two hundred soldiers leave Kandahar to wage extensive American ground operation. Argentina Gets Fifth President in Two Weeks (Jan. 1): Congress…

February 2002

WorldU.S. Says al-Qaeda Able to Strike Again (Feb. 6): CIA head George Tenet reports terrorist group is trying to reassemble and manage another large attack.Britain Fights Vaccine Fears (Feb…

March 2002

WorldHundreds in India Die in Rioting (March 2): Hindu-Muslim clashes in western India claim almost 400, highest losses in nearly a decade. U.S. and Afghan Troops Launch Attack (March 2):…

April 2002

WorldFighting Escalates Between Israelis and Palestinians (April 2): Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon says he would allow Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat to leave his besieged Ramallah…

May 2002

WorldUN Drops Plans for Jenin Fact-finding Mission (May 2): Secretary General Kofi Annan disbands team that would have investigated deadly Israeli attack on Palestinian refugee camp after…

June 2002

WorldPeasants Die in Mexican Land Dispute (June 1): In a poor mountain village in Oaxaca, 26 men and boys die in an attack by armed members of a neighboring community. Arafat Outlines Plan to…

August 2002

WorldIraq Moves to Resume Inspection Talks (Aug. 1): Iraqi foreign minister Naji Sabri invites UN inspector Hans Blix to Baghdad to discuss weapons inspections. (Aug. 5): Iraq says it will…

July 2002

WorldInternational Criminal Court Opens (July 1): Hague-based court will try cases of genocide and war crimes. U.S. removed signature from treaty that created the court.U.S. Bomb Kills Dozens…

September 2002

WorldEarth Summit Ends with Pact (Sept. 4): Meeting produces plan to improve sanitation, increase accessibility of clean water, reduce the number of endangered species, and improve safety of…

October 2002

WorldBosnian Serb Leader Pleads Guilty (Oct. 2): Biljana Plavsic admits to committing crimes against humanity during the 1992–1995 Bosnian war against Croats and Muslims. In exchange, the war…