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(Encyclopedia) bonobo, smaller of two species of chimpanzee, genus Pan. Whereas the common chimpanzee, P. troglodytes, lives in forests across most of equatorial Africa, the bonobo, P. paniscus (…


(Encyclopedia) bustardbustardbŭsˈtərd [key], a heavy-bodied, ground-running bird of the family Otididae. Various species are found throughout the arid regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, and S Europe…

Earth & Environment

Cite Environment covers air pollutants, global warming, the greenhouse effect, and other dangers to the planet. It also includes a glossary of environmental terms as well as a brief directory of…


(Encyclopedia) eagle, common name for large predatory birds of the family Accipitridae (hawk family), found in all parts of the world. Eagles are similar to the buteos, or buzzard hawks, but are…

Milestones in Environmental Protection

Preservation and conservation milestones in the United States by Holly Hartman 1840s–1860s 1870s–1880s 1890s–1920s 1930s–1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Most Recent Entry…

Plants & Animals

Dinosaur Fossils (By US State!) List of Dinosaurs... By US State! Frequently Asked Questions: Animals Frequently Asked Questions: Animals Frequently Asked Questions: Animals 75-Million-Year-Old…


(Encyclopedia) axolotlaxolotlăkˈsəlŏtˌəl [key], a salamander, Ambystoma mexicanum, found in certain lakes in the region of Mexico City, which reaches reproductive maturity without losing its larval…


(Encyclopedia) gibbon, small ape, family Hylobatidae, found in the forests of SE Asia. The gibbons are known as the small, or lesser, apes; they are the most highly adapted of the apes to arboreal…

blue whale

(Encyclopedia) blue whale, a baleen whale, Balaenoptera musculus. Also called the sulphur-bottom whale and Sibbald's rorqual, it is the largest animal that has ever lived. Blue whales have been known…

botanical garden

(Encyclopedia) botanical garden, public place in which plants are grown both for display and for scientific study. An arboretum is a botanical garden devoted chiefly to the growing of woody plants.…