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(Encyclopedia) pangolinpangolinpăng-gōˈlĭn [key], armored, toothless mammal of tropical Asia and Africa. Pangolins range in length from 3 to 6 ft (90–180 cm) including the long, broad tail. Their…

Richler, Mordecai

(Encyclopedia) Richler, Mordecai, 1931–2001, Canadian novelist, b. Montreal. He fled his native city in the early 1950s and lived mainly in London, returning to Canada in 1972 and from then on…

US Geographical Landmarks

National Reserves National Preserves National Monuments National Historical Parks Ten Most Visited National Parks America's Most Endangered Places 2005 America's Most…


(Encyclopedia) tiger, large carnivore of the cat family, Panthera tigris, found in the forests of Asia. There are six subspecies of P. tigris: Amur or Siberian, Sumatran, Malayan, North Indochinese,…


Animal Groups Animal Names: Male, Female, and Young Animal Group Terminology Gestation, Incubation, and Longevity of Selected Animals Speed of Animals Animal Hall of Fame…


(Encyclopedia) hornbill, common name for members of the family Bucerotidae, Old World birds of tropical and subtropical forests, named for their enormous down-curved bills surmounted by grotesque…


(Encyclopedia) damaliskdamaliskdămˈəlĭskˌ [key], name for African antelopes of the genus Damaliscus, closely related to the hartebeest. Damalisks are slenderly built and rather horselike in form;…


(Encyclopedia) extinction, in biology, disappearance of species of living organisms. Extinction usually occurs as a result of changed conditions to which the species is not suited. If no member of…


(Encyclopedia) bonobo, smaller of two species of chimpanzee, genus Pan. Whereas the common chimpanzee, P. troglodytes, lives in forests across most of equatorial Africa, the bonobo, P. paniscus (…