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artificial insemination

(Encyclopedia) artificial insemination, technique involving the artificial injection of sperm-containing semen from a male into a female to cause pregnancy. Artificial insemination is often used in…

Australian languages

(Encyclopedia) Australian languages, aboriginal languages spoken on the continent of Australia. The Australian languages do not appear to be related to any other linguistic family. The exact number…

trailing arbutus

(Encyclopedia) trailing arbutus,&sp;Mayflower, or ground laurel, one of the best-loved American wildflowers, said by Whittier to have been the first blossom seen on these shores by the Pilgrims (…


(Encyclopedia) onageronagerŏnˈəjər [key] or Persian wild ass, wild ass of central Asia, Equus hemonius onager. Formerly classified as a separate species, it is one of the several subspecies of Asian…


Arlington National Cemetery Mount Rushmore The Supreme Court Building The Liberty Bell The Washington Monument The White House U.S. Capitol…


(Encyclopedia) fossa, carnivorous mammal, Cryptoprocta ferox, of Madagascar. The island's largest carnivore, the fossa resembles a puma in appearance and has semiretractable claws, but it is most…


(Encyclopedia) hartebeesthartebeesthärˈtĭbēstˌ [key], large African antelope, Alcelaphus bucelaphus. The hartebeest resembles a horse with horns. It has a very long face and a small hump between the…

Whitlam, Gough

(Encyclopedia) Whitlam, GoughWhitlam, Goughgŏf [key], 1916–2014, Australian political leader. Edward Gough Whitlam studied law and entered practice near Sydney after serving in World War II. A member…


(Encyclopedia) trapping, most broadly, the use of mechanical or deceptive devices to capture, kill, or injure animals. It may be applied to the practice of using birdlime to capture birds, lobster…


(Encyclopedia) porpoise, small whale of the family Phocaenidae, allied to the dolphin. Porpoises, like other whales, are mammals; they are warm-blooded, breathe air, and give birth to live young,…