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zoological garden

(Encyclopedia) zoological garden or zoo, public or private park where living animals are kept for exhibition and study. The menageries and aviaries of China, Egypt, and Rome were famous in ancient…

Biscayne Bay

(Encyclopedia) Biscayne BayBiscayne Baybĭskānˈ [key], shallow, narrow inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, c.40 mi (60 km) long, SE Fla. Famous resort areas, including Miami and Miami Beach, are on the NW…

Bald Eagle Removed from Endangered Species List

Conservation efforts help population of bald eagle increase from 400 to 10,000 over 40 years by Beth Rowen Bald Eagle Related Links Endangered and Threatened SpeciesJefferson MemorialFounding…

Prince William Sound

(Encyclopedia) Prince William Sound, large, irregular, islanded inlet of the Gulf of Alaska, S Alaska, E of the Kenai peninsula. It has many bays and good harbors; the large Columbia Glacier flows…

Odum, Eugene Pleasants

(Encyclopedia) Odum, Eugene Pleasants, 1913–2002, American ecologist, b. Newport, N.H., Ph.D. Univ. of Illinois, 1939; son of Howard W. Odum. He joined the department of zoology at the Univ. of…


(Encyclopedia) leopard, large carnivore of the cat family, Panthera pardus, widely distributed in Africa and Asia. It is commonly yellow, buff, or gray, patterned with black spots and rings. The…


(Encyclopedia) environmentalism, movement to protect the quality and continuity of life through conservation of natural resources, prevention of pollution, and control of land use. The philosophical…

Valles Caldera National Preserve

(Encyclopedia) Valles Caldera National PreserveValles Caldera National Preserveväˈyās [key], 89,766 acres (36,343 hectares), N N.Mex.; est. 2000 by Valles Caldera Trust, transferred to National Park…


(Encyclopedia) JerseyJerseyjûrˈzē [key], island (2005 est. pop. 90,800), 45 sq mi (117 sq km), in the English Channel, largest of the Channel Islands, which are dependencies of the British crown. It…