Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Dole, Sanford Ballard

(Encyclopedia)Dole, Sanford Ballard, 1844–1926, Hawaiian statesman, b. Honolulu, of American missionary parents. After education in the United States he returned to Hawaii and became prominent in public life. A l...

García Moreno, Gabriel

(Encyclopedia)García Moreno, Gabriel gäbrēĕlˈ gärsēˈä mōrāˈnō [key], 1821–75, president of Ecuador (1861–65, 1869–75), b. Guayaquil. A conservative with deep religious convictions, he gradually c...

Coriolis effect

(Encyclopedia)Coriolis effect kôrˌē-ōˈlĭs [key] [for G.-G. de Coriolis, a French mathematician], tendency for any moving body on or above the earth's surface, e.g., an ocean current or an artillery round, to ...

Villèle, Jean Baptiste Séraphin Joseph, comte de

(Encyclopedia)Villèle, Jean Baptiste Séraphin Joseph, comte de zhäN bätēstˈ sāräfăNˈ zhôzĕfˈ kôNt də vēlĕlˈ [key], 1773–1854, French statesman and premier (1822–28). Elected (1815) a deputy af...

Bagley, William Chandler

(Encyclopedia)Bagley, William Chandler, 1874–1946, American educator and editor, b. Detroit, grad. Michigan State College (now Michigan State Univ.), 1895, M.S. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1898, Ph.D. Cornell, 1900. He t...

Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August

(Encyclopedia)Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August frāˈbəl, frōˈ–, Ger. frēˈdrĭkh vĭlˈhĕlm ouˈgo͝ost fröˈbəl [key], 1782–1852, German educator and founder of the kindergarten system. He had an unha...

Iorga, Nicolae

(Encyclopedia)Iorga, Nicolae nēˈkōlī yôrˈgä [key], 1871–1940, Romanian historian and statesman. A professor at the Univ. of Bucharest, he founded (1910) and later led the National Democratic party; after W...


(Encyclopedia)Kurdufan kôrˌdəfănˈ [key], region (1983 pop. 3,093,294), S central Sudan. Kurdufan is divided into Northern and Southern Kurdufan states. Its terrain, generally level in the north, rises in the s...


(Encyclopedia)Orientale ōt-zäērˈ [key], former province, c.204,000 sq mi (528,360 sq km), N Congo (Kinshasa). Kisangani was the capital. Orientale bordered the Central African Republic and South Sudan on the no...

Congress of the United States

(Encyclopedia)Congress of the United States, the legislative branch of the federal government, instituted (1789) by Article 1 of the Constitution of the United States, which prescribes its membership and defines it...

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