Columbia Encyclopedia

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Burkina Faso

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Burkina Faso burkēˈnə fäˈsō [key], republic (2020 est. pop. 20,900,000), 105,869 sq mi (274,200 sq ...

International Labor Organization

(Encyclopedia)International Labor Organization (ILO), specialized agency of the United Nations, with headquarters in Geneva. It was created in 1919 by the Versailles Treaty and affiliated with the League of Nations...

Bachelet, Michele

(Encyclopedia)Bachelet, Michele (Verónica Michele Bachelet Jeria) bĕōnˈēka mēchĕlˈ bächĕlĕtˈ herˈēä [key], 1951–, Chilean political leader and government official, president of Chile (2006–10, 20...

Jones, David Charles

(Encyclopedia)Jones, David Charles, 1921–2013, American military officer, b. Aberdeen, S. Dak., studied Univ. of N Dakota and Minot State College. He joined the Army Air Corps at the outbreak of World War II, and...

Maliki, Nuri Kamal al-

(Encyclopedia)Maliki, Nuri Kamal al- no͞orˈē kämälˈ äl-mälˈĭkē [key], 1950–, Iraqi political leader. A Shiite who worked as an education official in Hilla, he was a member and, later, deputy leader of ...

New Education Fellowship

(Encyclopedia)New Education Fellowship, an international organization dedicated to the ideals of progressive education. It was established in 1921 by Beatrice Ensor, founder of a progressive school in Letchworth, E...

Bode, Boyd Henry

(Encyclopedia)Bode, Boyd Henry, 1873–1953, American educator, b. Ridott, Ill., grad. Pennsylvania College (Iowa), 1896, Univ. of Michigan, 1897, Ph.D. Cornell, 1900. He taught philosophy at the Univ. of Wisconsin...


(Encyclopedia)Wales, Welsh Cymru, western peninsula and political division (principality) of Great Britain (2011 pop. 3,063,456), 8,016 sq mi (20,761 sq km), west of England; politically united with England since 1...

Gall, Sioux war chief

(Encyclopedia)Gall gôl [key], c.1840–1894, war chief of the Sioux, b. South Dakota. He refused to accept the treaty of 1868 (by which he would have been confined to a reservation), joined Sitting Bull and other ...


(Encyclopedia)Aceh äˈchā [key], special region (1980 pop. 2,875,634), 21,387 sq mi (55,392 sq km), N Sumatra, Indonesia, formerly known as Atjeh or Achin. The capital and largest city is Banda Aceh. The northern...

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