Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Premadasa, Ranasinghe

(Encyclopedia)Premadasa, Ranasinghe, 1924–1993, Sri Lankan political leader. As a member of the Ceylon Labour party, he worked as a labor organizer and was elected deputy mayor of Colombo in 1955. He then joined ...


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Montana mŏntănˈə [key], Rocky Mt. state in the NW United States. It is bounded by North Dakota and South Dakota (E), Wyoming (S), Idaho (W), and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, ...


(Encyclopedia)Dhaka or Dacca both: dăkˈə [key], city (2021 est. pop. 10,356,500), capital of Bangladesh, on a ...

Great Society

(Encyclopedia)Great Society, in U.S. history, term for the domestic policies of President Lyndon Johnson. In his first State of the Union message, he called for a war on poverty and the creation of a “Great Socie...

Brades Estate

(Encyclopedia)Brades Estate or Brades, town (2005 est. pop. 1,000), interim capital of the British dependency of Montserrat, in the N part of the island. The original capital, Plymouth, was ravaged by volcanic erup...

Meiklejohn, Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Meiklejohn, Alexander mĭkˈəljŏn [key], 1872–1964, American educator, b. Rochdale, England, grad. Brown Univ., 1893, Ph.D. Cornell, 1897. He taught philosophy at Brown (1897–1912), serving as d...


(Encyclopedia)Summerhill, radical progressive school in Leiston, Suffolk, England, and the educational movement based on principles developed at the school. The school was founded (1924) by A. S. Neill, who headed ...

Russell, William Fletcher

(Encyclopedia)Russell, William Fletcher, 1890–1956, American educator, b. Delhi, N.Y., grad. Cornell, 1910, Ph.D. Columbia, 1914; son of James Earl Russell. He was dean (1917–23) of the College of Education, St...

Sierra Leone

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Sierra Leone sēĕrˈə lēōˈnē, lēōnˈ; sērˈə lēōn [key], officially Republic of Sierra Leone, republic (2015 est. pop. 5,879,000), 27,699 sq mi (71,740 sq km), W Africa. It is borde...

National Marine Sanctuary Program

(Encyclopedia)National Marine Sanctuary Program, federally owned marine and Great Lakes reserves, administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The program consists of 13 marine sanctu...

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