Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Chittenden, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Chittenden, Thomas chĭtˈəndən [key], 1730–97, governor of Vermont, b. East Guilford, Conn. After moving to Vermont in 1774, he was active in the Windsor Convention, which declared (1777) Vermont...


(Encyclopedia)Aristippus ărĭstĭpˈəs [key], c.435–c.360 b.c., Greek philosopher of Cyrene, first of the Cyrenaics. He held pleasure to be the highest good and virtue to be identical with the ability to enjoy....

Wang An-shih

(Encyclopedia)Wang An-shih wäng än-shûr [key], 1021–86, Chinese Sung dynasty statesman. As a chief councilor (1069–74, 1075–76) he directed sweeping administrative and fiscal reforms that drew strong conse...

Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia)Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron houˈtən, hôˈ– [key], 1809–85, English author. Throughout much of his life he was an active member of Parliament. He was among the first to recogniz...

Jayawardene, Junius Richard

(Encyclopedia)Jayawardene, Junius Richard jīˌəwärˈdēn [key], 1906–96, prime minister (1977–78) and president (1978–88) of Sri Lanka. Active in Sri Lankan politics since the early 1940s, he was a foundin...

Lander, Richard Lemon

(Encyclopedia)Lander, Richard Lemon, 1804–34, English explorer. He accompanied Clapperton to the Niger River in 1827 and brought back Clapperton's journal, which was published (1829) with an account of Lander's r...

Lethaby, William Richard

(Encyclopedia)Lethaby, William Richard lĕthˈəbē [key], 1857–1931, English architect. He was a founder and first principal (1893–1911) of the London County Council Central School of Arts and Crafts, and prof...

Trevithick, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Trevithick, Richard trĕvˈĭthĭk [key], 1771–1833, British engineer and inventor, b. Cornwall. He is known as the father of locomotive power because of his invention (1800) of the high-pressure st...

Penn, William, founder of Pennsylvania

(Encyclopedia)Penn, William, 1644–1718, English Quaker, founder of Pennsylvania, b. London, England; son of Sir William Penn. Penn became involved in the affairs of the American colonies when in 1675 he was ap...

Hakluyt, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Hakluyt, Richard hăkˈlo͞ot, hăkˈəlwĭt [key], 1552?–1616, English geographer. He graduated in 1574 from Oxford, where he later lectured on geography. A passionate interest in the history of di...

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