Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Upjohn, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Upjohn, Richard, 1802–78, American architect, b. England. He came to the United States in 1829. A skilled cabinetmaker and draftsman, he lived first in Manlius, N.Y., and then in New Bedford, Mass.,...

Kuhn, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Kuhn, Richard rĭkhˈärt ko͞on [key], 1900–1967, Austrian chemist, director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Heidelberg. For his research on the carotinoids (he prepared eight of them in pure form...

Alverstone, Richard Everard Webster, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Alverstone, Richard Everard Webster, 1st Viscount ôlˈvərstən [key], 1842–1915, lord chief justice of England (1900–1913). He served on various international arbitration commissions, including ...

Bosworth Field

(Encyclopedia)Bosworth Field, Leicestershire, central England. It was the scene of the battle (1485) at which Richard III was killed and the crown was passed to his opponent, the earl of Richmond (Henry VII), first...

Willstätter, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Willstätter, Richard rĭkhˈärt vĭlˈshtĕtər [key], 1872–1942, German chemist. He was professor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Chemistry, Berlin (1912–16), and at the Univ. of Munich (191...

Tottel, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Tottel, Richard tŏtˈəl [key], c.1530–1594?, London publisher. He is chiefly remembered as the compiler of the poetry anthology The Book of Songs and Sonnets (1557), known as Tottel's miscellany. ...


(Encyclopedia)Morris, family of prominent American landowners and statesmen. Richard Morris, d. 1672, left England after serving in Oliver Cromwell's army, became a merchant in Barbados, and emigrated to New York C...

Gombos, Julius

(Encyclopedia)Gombos, Julius gömˈbösh [key], Hung. Gömbös Gyula, 1886–1936, Hungarian premier and officer. He was minister of war under the premiership of Stephen Bethlen (1921–31) and of Julius Károlyi (...

Karik**oacute**, Katalin

(Encyclopedia)Karikó, Katalin, Jan., 1955–, b. Szolnok, Hungary, Hungarian-American biochemist, studied at József Attila Univ., Szeged, ...

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