Columbia Encyclopedia

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Ems, town, Germany

(Encyclopedia)Ems or Bad Ems bät ĕms [key], town, Rhineland-Palatinate, W Germany, on the Lahn River. Chartered ...

Murray, Henry A.

(Encyclopedia)Murray, Henry A., 1893–1988, American psychologist, b. New York City. Murray was trained in a variety of disciplines, including psychology, chemistry, and biology. He taught at Harvard (1927–62), ...

Müller, Johannes von

(Encyclopedia)Müller, Johannes von yōhäˈnəs fən mülˈər [key], 1752–1809, Swiss historian. He spent much of his life in Germany, where he held political posts under the elector of Mainz, the king of Pruss...

Bredero, Gerbrand Adriaenszoon

(Encyclopedia)Bredero, Gerbrand Adriaenszoon hĕrˈbränt ädrēänˈzōn brāˈdĕrō [key], 1585–1618, Dutch dramatist and poet. He is considered the major Dutch poet of his generation, particularly for his spo...

Carlyle, Jane Baillie Welsh

(Encyclopedia)Carlyle, Jane Baillie Welsh, 1801–66, English woman of letters; wife of Thomas Carlyle, whom she married in 1826. She possessed a genius for letter writing, manifest in the volumes of her published ...

Welhaven, Johan Sebastian

(Encyclopedia)Welhaven, Johan Sebastian yōhänˈ sābäsˈtyän vĕlˈhävən [key], 1807–73, Norwegian poet and critic. His charming and reflective poetry, tending toward the classical in style, drew much inspi...

Bernard of Cluny

(Encyclopedia)Bernard of Cluny môrlāˈ [key], fl. 1150, French Cluniac monk, of English parentage. He wrote De contemptu mundi [on contempt for the world], a poem in 3,000 hexameters. On it Horatio Parker based h...

Troilus and Cressida

(Encyclopedia)Troilus and Cressida troiˈləs, krĕsˈĭdə [key], a medieval romance distantly related to characters in Greek legend. Troilus, a Trojan prince (son of Priam and Hecuba), fell in love with Cressida ...

Sun Ra

(Encyclopedia) Sun Ra, 1914-1993, African-American jazz composer, bandleader, and keyboard player, b. Birmingham, Al., as Herman Poole Blount. Sun Ra was a leading c...

Gwathmey, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Gwathmey, Robert gwăthˈmē [key], 1903–88, American painter, b. Richmond, Va. Gwathmey taught at Cooper Union from 1942 to 1968. Among the first white artists to portray African Americans with dig...

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