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Brewer's: Dalmatica

or Dalmatic. A robe, open in front, reaching to the knees; worn at one time by deacons over the alb or stole, when the Eucharist was administered. It is in imitation of the regal vest of…

Brewer's: X

on beer-casks indicates beer which paid ten shillings duty, and hence it came to mean beer of a given quality. Two or three crosses are mere trade-marks, intended to convey the notion of…

Brewer's: Froude's Cat

This cat wanted to know what was good for life, and everyone gave her queer answers. The owl said, “Meditate, O cat;” and so she tried to think which could have come first, the fowl or the…

Brewer's: Dutchman

I'm a Dutchman if I do. A strong refusal. During the rivalry between England and Holland, the word Dutch was synonymous with all that was false and hateful, and when a man said, “I would…

Brewer's: England

Verstegan quaintly says that Egbert was “chiefly moved” to call his kingdom England “in respect of Pope Gregory's changing the name of Engelisce into Angellyke. ” And this “may have moved…

Brewer's: Idiot

meant originally a private person, one not engaged in any public office. Hence Jeremy Taylor says, “Humility is a duty in great ones, as well as in idiots” (private persons). The Greeks…

James Winthrop: Agrippa X

Agrippa XJames Winthrop1 January 1788by James Winthrop, AgrippaTo the People.Friends and Brethren,It is a duty incumbent on every man, who has had opportunities for inquiry, to lay the result…