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Brutus VIII

Brutus VIII10 January 1788by BrutusSee also Federalist No. 23The next powers vested by this constitution in the general government, which we shall consider, are those, which authorise them to…

Richard Nixon's Resignation Speech

Given on Thursday, August 8, 1974 Good evening. This is the 37th time I have spoken to you from this office in which so many decisions have been made that shape the history of this nation.…

The Congress of Women: The Kindergarten

by Mrs. Virginia Thrall Smith Advantages and Dangers of OrganizationMarriage Prospects in GermanyThe Kindergarten[1] Mrs. Virginia T. Smith was born in Bloomfield, Conn., and educated in…

Flatland: Of the Doctrine of our Priests

by Edwin A. Abbott Concerning our PriestsOf the Doctrine of our Priests As to the doctrine of the Circles it may briefly be summed up in a single maxim, “Attend to your Configuration.“…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 26, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 25, 1804August 27, 1804August 26, 1804 26th August Sunday 1804 arrived at the boat at 9 oClock A.M. Set out at 10 oClock after Jurking the…

Brewer's: Whitworth Gun

(See Gun.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Whole Duty of ManWhittle Down A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R…


(Encyclopedia) TaoismTaoismdäuˈĭzəm [key], refers both to a Chinese system of thought and to one of the four major religions of China (with Confucianism, Buddhism, and Chinese popular religion).…