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Displaying 371 - 380

Brewer's: Whole Gale

(A). A very heavy wind. The three degrees are a fresh gale, a strong gale, and a heavy or whole gale. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Beadle

A person whose duty it is to bid or cite persons to appear to a summons; also a church servant, whose duty it is to bid the parishioners to attend the vestry, or to give notice of vestry…

Brewer's: Mogul Cards

The best playingcards were so called because the wrapper, or “duty card” (when cards were subject to excise duty) contained the portrait of the Great Mogul. Those cards which contained…

Brewer's: Quartermaster

The officer whose duty it is to attend to the quarters of the soldiers. He superintends the issue of stores, food, and clothing. (See Quarters.) As a nautical term, a quartermaster is a…

Brewer's: Duumvirs

(3 syl.) or Duumviri. Certain Roman officers who were appointed in pairs, like our London sheriffs. The chief were the two officers who had charge of the Sibylline books, the two who had…

Brewer's: England's Darling

Hereward the Wake, in the time of William the Conqueror. The “Camp of Refuge” was established in the Isle of Ely, and the Earl of Morcar joined it in 1071. It was blockaded for three…

Fire Captain

Anonymous Tell us about your work -- what do you do? I am employed by the City of Tallahassee Fire Department . I hold the position of Fire Captain. For…