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U.S. Constitution, Article II

Section 1   [The president; the executive power.—1.] The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years,…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Voluntaries

VoluntariesILow and mournful be the strain, Haughty thought be far from me; Tones of penitence and pain, Meanings of the tropic sea; Low and tender in the cell Where a captive sits in chains…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Holidays

Holidaysby Ralph Waldo EmersonFrom fall to spring, the russet acorn, Fruit beloved of maid and boy, Lent itself beneath the forest, To be the children's toy. Pluck it now! In vain,—thou canst…

Patrick Dorismond, 2000 News

unarmed, off-duty security guard, was shot in March by undercover New York City detective Anthony Vasquez during a “drug buy and bust operation.” A scuffle ensued after Dorismond rebuffed…

The Devil's Dictionary: Hangman

by Ambrose Bierce HANDKERCHIEFHAPPINESSHANGMAN -n. An officer of the law charged with duties of the highest dignity and utmost gravity, and held in hereditary disesteem by a populace having…