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Medal of Honor Recipients

Officially called the Congressional Medal of Honor, it is the nation's highest military award for “uncommon valor” by men and women in the armed forces. It is given for actions that are above and…

Guardians and Wards

The Question: When a person has been declared incompetent and the court appoints someone to handle their financial and physical affairs, what is that person…


(Encyclopedia) IslamIslamĭslämˈ, ĭsˈläm [key], [Arab.,=submission to God], world religion founded by the Prophet Muhammad. Founded in the 7th cent., Islam is the youngest of the three monotheistic…

Scott Waddle, 2001 News

commander of the USS Greeneville, the submarine that crashed into a Japanese fishing vessel as it emerged in waters off Hawaii, took sole responsibility for the fatal February exercise that…

The Devil's Dictionary: Valor

by Ambrose Bierce VANITYVALOR -n. A soldierly compound of vanity, duty and the gambler's hope. "Why have you halted?" roared the commander of a division and Chickamauga, who had ordered a…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Voluntaries

VoluntariesILow and mournful be the strain, Haughty thought be far from me; Tones of penitence and pain, Meanings of the tropic sea; Low and tender in the cell Where a captive sits in chains…