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Displaying 301 - 310

John Deere

John DeereBorn: 1804Birthplace: Rutland, Vt. Plow—Deere's plow had a cutting part made of steel and a moldboard made of polished wrought iron which proved more effective than implements then…

Rudolf Diesel Biography

Rudolf DieselBorn: 1858Birthplace: Paris, France Internal combustion engine—Diesel is best known for his invention of the pressure-ignited heat engine that bears his name. The Diesel engine was able…

Herbert Henry Dow

Herbert Henry DowBorn: 1866Birthplace: Belleville, Ontario Process of extracting bromine—Dow invented an entirely new method of extracting bromine from underground brine. (1983)Died: 1930Ray…

Charles Stark Draper

Charles Stark Draper Born: 1901Birthplace: Windsor, Mo. Gyroscopic apparatus—Draper developed a spinning gyroscope, stabilizing U.S. Navy antiaircraft gun-sights which led to an inertial…

Graham J. Durant

Graham J. DurantBorn: 1934Birthplace: Newport, England Antiulcer compounds and compositions—Durant, Emmett and Ganellin discovered the drug cimetidine (trade name Tagamet) which inhibits the…

John Colin Emmett

John Colin Emmett Born: 1939Birthplace: Bradford, England Antiulcer compounds and compositions—Durant, Emmett and Ganellin discovered the drug cimetidine (trade name Tagamet) which inhibits the…

C. Robin Ganellin

C. Robin Ganellin Born: 1934Birthplace: London, England Antiulcer compounds and compositions—Durant, Emmett and Ganellin discovered the drug cimetidine (trade name Tagamet) which inhibits the…

Harold E. Edgerton

Harold E. Edgerton Born: 1903Birthplace: Fremont, Neb. Stroboscope—Edgerton's research in the fields of stroboscopy and ultra-high speed photography led to the modern electronic speed flash. He was…

John Ericsson

John Ericsson Born: 1803Birthplace: Vermland, Sweden Propeller—Ericsson's propeller—still the main form of marine propulsion 150 years later—replaced the inefficient and vulnerable steam-…

Philo Taylor Farnsworth

Philo Taylor Farnsworth Born: 1906Birthplace: Beaver, Utah Television system—At the age of 20 Farnsworth produced the first all-electronic television image. In addition to his television…