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Displaying 341 - 350

Theodore Harold Maiman

Theodore Harold Maiman Born: 1927 Birthplace: Los Angeles, Calif. Ruby laser systems—In 1960 Maiman built…

Robert Maurer

Robert MaurerBorn: 1924Birthplace: St. Louis, Mo. Fused silica optical waveguide—The inventors, Maurer, Keck, and Schultz. designed and produced the first optical fiber with light loss during…

Donald Keck

Donald KeckBorn: 1941Birthplace: Lansing, Mich. Fused silica optical waveguide—The inventors, Maurer, Keck, and Schultz. designed and produced the first optical fiber with light loss during…

Peter Schultz

Peter SchultzBorn: 1942Birthplace: Brooklyn, N.Y. Fused silica optical waveguide—The inventors, Maurer, Keck, and Schultz. designed and produced the first optical fiber with light loss during…

Ottmar Mergenthaler

Ottmar MergenthalerBorn: 1854Birthplace: Germany Machine for producing printing bars—Mergenthaler's linotype composing machine allowed one operator to be machinist, typesetter, justifier,…

Andrew J. Moyer

Andrew J. MoyerBorn: 1899Birthplace: Star City, In Method for production of penicillin—Moyer found that by culturing the Penicillium mold in a culture broth comprising corn steep liquor and…

Louis Marius Moyroud

Louis Marius MoyroudBorn: 1914Birthplace: Moirans, France Photo composing machine—Moyroud and Higonnet developed the first practical phototypesetting machine, the Lumitype—later known as the…

Rev. Julius A. Nieuwland

Rev. Julius A. NieuwlandBorn: 1878Birthplace: Hansbeke, Belgium Synthetic Rubber (Neoprene)—He invented the first synthetic rubber, Neoprene, manufactured by the Du Pont Company, whose outstanding…

Robert N. Noyce

Robert N. Noyce Born: 1927Birthplace: Iowa Semiconductor device-and-lead structure—Noyce, as research director of Fairchild Semiconductor, was responsible for the initial development of silicon mesa…

Kenneth H. Olsen

Kenneth H. OlsenBorn: 1926Birthplace: Stratford, Conn. Magnetic core memory—Olsen and his Digital Equipment Corporation developed the first successful minicomputer. Digital also developed the…