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Displaying 321 - 330

Robert N. Hall

Robert N. HallBorn: 1919Birthplace: New Haven, Conn. High-voltage, high-power semiconductor pin rectifier—Hall's invention boosted efficiency and reduced wasted power and destructive heat…

William Edward Hanford

William Edward HanfordBorn: 1908Birthplace: Bristol, Pa. Polyurethane—The Hanford and Holmes process is the basis today for the manufacture of all polyurethane. Polyurethane is used as an…

Donald Fletcher Holmes

Donald Fletcher Holmes Born: 1910 Birthplace: Woodbury, N.J. Polyurethane—The Hanford and Holmes process is the basis…

Elizabeth Lee Hazen

Elizabeth Lee Hazen Born: 1885Birthplace: rural Mississippi Nystatin—Hazen and Brown: Nystatin was the world's first non-toxic anti-fungal antibiotic. It cured fungal infections of the skin,…

Carl Djerassi

Carl DjerassiBorn: 1923Birthplace: Vienna, Austria Oral contraceptives—Along with developing the oral contraceptive Djerassi's research has included work with steroids, antibiotics, synthesis of…

Rachel Fuller Brown

Rachel Fuller BrownBorn: 1898Birthplace: Springfield, Mass. Nystatin—Hazen and Brown: Nystatin was the world's first non-toxic anti-fungal antibiotic. It cured fungal infections of the skin,…

William R. Hewlett

William R. HewlettBorn: 1913Birthplace: Ann Arbor, Mich. Variable frequency oscillation generator—Also known as the “audio oscillator,” this was the first practical method of generating high-…

Marcian Edward HoffTed, Jr.

Marcian Edward Hoff“Ted”, Jr. Born: 1937 Birthplace: Rochester, N.Y. Microprocessor concept and architecture—Ted Hoff was…

Stanley Mazor

Stanley MazorBorn: 1941Birthplace: Chicago, Ill. Microprocessor concept and architecture—Ted Hoff was the first to recognize that Intel's new silicon-gated MOS technology might make a single-…

Herman Hollerith

Herman HollerithBorn: 1860Birthplace: Buffalo, N.Y. Art of compiling statistics—Hollerith invented a punch card tabulation machine system that revolutionized statistical computation. His…