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Gertrude Belle Elion

Gertrude Belle Elion Born: 1918Birthplace: New York City 6-Mercaptopurine—Elion synthesized the leukemia-fighting drug 6-mercaptopurine. Her other developments were drugs used to block organ…

Ernst Alexanderson

Ernst Alexanderson Born: 1872 Birthplace: Sweden High frequency alternator—Alexanderson built a high frequency…

Andrew Alford

Andrew Alford Born: 1904Birthplace: Samara, Russia Localizer antenna system—Alford invented and developed antennas for radio navigation systems, including VOR and instrument landing systems,…

Luis Walter Alvarez

Luis Walter AlvarezBorn: 1911Birthplace: San Francisco, Calif. Radio distance and direction indicator—Alvarez was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1968. He helped design a ground-…

Edwin Armstrong

Edwin Armstrong Born: 1890Birthplace: New York City Method of receiving high frequency oscillations—Armstrong devised wide-band frequency modulation (FM radio) as a means of reducing…

Leo Hendrik Baekeland

Leo Hendrik BaekelandBorn: 1863Birthplace: Ghent, Belgium Synthetic resins—Baekeland developed the thermosetting synthetic resin bakelite which helped found the modern plastics industry. He…

John Bardeen

John BardeenBorn: 1908Birthplace: Madison, Wisconsin Transistor—Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain shared the 1956 Nobel Prize for Physics for the invention of the transistor. The transistor replaced…

William Bradford Shockley

William Bradford ShockleyBorn: 1910Birthplace: London, England Transistor—Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain shared the 1956 Nobel Prize for Physics for the invention of the transistor. The…

Walter H. Brattain

Walter H. Brattain Born: 1902 Birthplace: Amoy, China Transistor—Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain shared the 1956 Nobel…

Arnold O. Beckman

Arnold O. BeckmanBorn: 1900Birthplace: Cullom, Ill. Apparatus for testing acidity—Beckman founded Beckman Instruments, Inc. in 1935 with the development of a pH meter for measuring acidity…