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Luther Burbank Biography

Luther Burbank Born: 1849Birthplace: Lancaster, Mass. Peach—Burbank developed more than 800 new strains and varieties of plants including varieties of potato, plums, prunes, berries, flowers…

Walt Disney Biography

Walt Disney Born: 1901Birthplace: Chicago, Ill. Art of animation—Animation pioneer, invented the multiplane camera in 1937. This advanced camera created three-dimensional effects…

George Eastman

George Eastman Born: 1854Birthplace: Waterville, N.Y. Method and apparatus for coating plates for use in photography—Before Eastman, photographers used glass plates with light-sensitive…

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison Born: 1847Birthplace: Milan, Ohio Electric lamp—Edison held 1,093 patents, including those for the incandescent electric lamp, the phonograph, the carbon telephone…

Enrico Fermi Biography

Enrico Fermi Born: 1901Birthplace: Rome, Italy Neutronic reactor—Fermi was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize for Physics for his work in the field of atomic fission. In 1942 he accomplished the…

Henry Ford Biography

Henry Ford Born: 1863Birthplace: Greenfield, Mich. Transmission mechanism—Ford holds numerous patents on automotive mechanisms and helped devise the factory assembly line method of mass…

Robert Hutchings Goddard

Robert Hutchings Goddard Born: 1882Birthplace: Worcester, Mass. Control mechanism for rocket apparatus—Goddard launched the first liquid-fuel rocket in 1926. Other rocket design developments…

Charles Goodyear

Charles Goodyear Born: 1800 Birthplace: New Haven, Conn. Improvement in India-rubber fabrics—Goodyear discovered the…

Elias Howe Biography

Elias Howe Born: 1819 Sewing Machine. Howe invented the first practical sewing machine after watching his wife sew. His machine's locked-stitch technique is still used today. Died: 1867…

Charles Franklin Kettering

Charles Franklin Kettering Born: 1876Birthplace: Ohio Engine starting devices and ignition system—Kettering invented the first electrical ignition system and the self-starter for automobiles…