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Cassirer, Ernst

(Encyclopedia) Cassirer, ErnstCassirer, Ernstĕrnst käsērˈər [key], 1874–1945, German philosopher. He was a professor at the Univ. of Hamburg from 1919 until 1933, when he went to Oxford; he later…


(Encyclopedia) causality, in philosophy, the relationship between cause and effect. A distinction is often made between a cause that produces something new (e.g., a moth from a caterpillar) and one…

Arminius, Jacobus

(Encyclopedia) Arminius, JacobusArminius, Jacobusjəkōˈbəs [key]Arminius, Jacobus ärmĭnˈēəs [key], 1560–1609, Dutch Reformed theologian, whose original name was Jacob Harmensen. He studied at Leiden,…

Channel Islands, California

(Encyclopedia) Channel Islands or Santa Barbara IslandsChannel Islandssănˈtə bärˈbrə, –bərə [key], chain of eight rugged islands and many islets, extending c.150 mi (240 km) along the S Calif. coast…


(Encyclopedia) AbhidharmaAbhidharmaŭbˈĭdŭrˌmə [key] [Skt.,=higher dharma, or doctrine], schools of Buddhist philosophy. Early Buddhism analyzed experience into 5 skandhas or aggregates, and…


(Encyclopedia) uniformitarianism, in geology, doctrine holding that changes in the earth's surface that occurred in past geologic time are referable to the same causes as changes now being produced…

Toland, John

(Encyclopedia) Toland, JohnToland, Johntōˈlənd [key], 1670–1722, British deist, b. Ireland. Brought up a Roman Catholic, Toland became a Protestant at 16. He studied at Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Leiden…

Marcus Aurelius

(Encyclopedia) Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aelius Aurelius Antoninus)Marcus Aureliusmärˈkəs ôrēˈlēəs [key], 121–180, Roman emperor, named originally Marcus Annius Verus. He was a nephew of Faustina, the…


(Encyclopedia) aestheticsaestheticsĕsthĕtˈĭks [key], the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the nature of art and the criteria of artistic judgment. The classical conception of art as the…


(Encyclopedia) soul, the vital, immaterial, life principle, generally conceived as existing within humans and sometimes within all living things, inanimate objects, and the universe as a whole.…