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glacial periods

(Encyclopedia) glacial periods, times during which large portions of the earth's surface were covered with thick glacial ice sheets. In the Pleistocene epoch, in the Carboniferous and Permian periods…

Mary, the mother of Jesus

(Encyclopedia) Mary, in the Bible, mother of Jesus. Christian tradition reckons her the principal saint, naming her variously the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady, and Mother of God (Gr., theotokos).…


(Encyclopedia) AnaximanderAnaximanderənăkˌsĭmănˈdər [key], c.611–c.547 b.c., Greek philosopher, b. Miletus; pupil of Thales. He made the first attempt to offer a detailed explanation of all aspects…

Episcopius, Simon

(Encyclopedia) Episcopius, SimonEpiscopius, Simonĕpĭskōˈpēəs [key], 1583–1643, Dutch Protestant theologian, whose original name was Biscop, Bischop, or Bisschop. Episcopius accepted the teachings of…

Wolf, Hugo

(Encyclopedia) Wolf, HugoWolf, Hugoh&oomacr;ˈgō [key]Wolf, Hugo vôlf [key], 1860–1903, Austrian composer; studied at the Vienna Conservatory. From 1883 to 1887 he wrote musical criticism for the…

Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund

(Encyclopedia) Adorno, Theodor WiesengrundAdorno, Theodor Wiesengrundtāədôrˌ vēˈzəngr&oobreve;nd ädôrˈnō [key], 1903–69, German philosopher, born as Theodor Adorno Wiesengrund. Forced into exile…

Kautsky, Karl Johann

(Encyclopedia) Kautsky, Karl JohannKautsky, Karl Johannkärl yōˈhän koutˈskē [key], 1854–1938, German-Austrian socialist, b. Prague. A leading figure in the effort to spread Marxist doctrine in…


(Encyclopedia) Egbert, d. 839, king of Wessex (802–39). His name also appears as Ecgberht. He was descended from Cerdic and was apparently an unsuccessful aspirant for the crown of Wessex against…


(Encyclopedia) republic [Lat. res publica,=public affair], today understood to be a sovereign state ruled by representatives of a widely inclusive electorate. The term republic formerly denoted a…


(Encyclopedia) novenanovenanōvēˈnə [key] [Lat.,=a group of nine], in the Roman Catholic Church, primarily a series of public or private prayers extending over nine consecutive days, especially nine…