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(Encyclopedia) Beja Beja bāˈzhə [key], town, S Portugal, capital of Beja dist. and Baixo Alentejo. It is…

Supilo, Frano

(Encyclopedia) Supilo, FranoSupilo, Franofräˈnō s&oomacr;pēˈlō [key], 1870–1917, Croatian journalist and politician. A member of the Hungarian parliament, Supilo led Croatian opposition to Magyar…

fallopian tube

(Encyclopedia) fallopian tubefallopian tubefəlōˈpēən [key], either of a pair of tubes extending from the uterus to the paired ovaries in the human female, also called oviducts, technically known as…

fertility drug

(Encyclopedia) fertility drug, any of a variety of substances used to increase the possibility of conception and successful pregnancy. Different methods are used to correct or circumvent the many…

Focillon, Henri

(Encyclopedia) Focillon, HenriFocillon, HenriäNrēˈ fôsēyôNˈ [key], 1881–1943, French art historian. Focillon, who was professor of art history at the Collège de France, was an authority on medieval…

Quercia, Jacopo della

(Encyclopedia) Quercia, Jacopo dellaQuercia, Jacopo dellayäˈkōpō dĕlˈlä kwĕrˈchä [key], c.1374–1438, Italian sculptor. His work shows the transition from medieval to Renaissance art. He is especially…

Overbury, Sir Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Overbury, Sir Thomas, 1581–1613, English author and courtier. He was a friend and adviser to Robert Carr, an Oxford acquaintance. The two quarreled violently when Overbury disapproved…

Éluard, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Éluard, PaulÉluard, Paulpōl ālüärˈ [key], 1895–1952, French poet. He was a leading exponent of surrealism. Among his volumes of verse are Mourir de ne pas mourir [to die of not dying…


(Encyclopedia) God, divinity of the three great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as many other world religions. See also religion and articles on individual religions…


(Encyclopedia) pantheismpantheismpănˈthēĭzəm [key] [Gr. pan=all, theos=God], name used to denote any system of belief or speculation that includes the teaching “God is all, and all is God.” Pantheism…