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The Women Are Back In Town

by John Gettings New England Blizzard forward Dale Hodges goes hard to the baseline past Philadelphia Rage forward Cass Bauer in the American Basketball League season opener on Nov. 5.…

Brewer's: Virgil

In the Gesta Romanorum Virgil is represented as a mighty but benevolent enchanter. This is the character that Italian tradition always gives him, and it is this traditional character that…

Sexual Abuse on Campus

A national debate on how to handle the problem of campus sexual abuse continued throughout 2014 Part of a 2014 Public Service Announcement Related Links Sexual Assault: The…

The Study of Geography

Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources…

Ruth: 4

Ruth Chapter 4 1 Then went Boaz up to the gate, and sat him down there: and, behold, the kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by; unto whom he said, Ho, such a one! turn aside, sit down…

Asian-American History

From Chinese laborers in the 1800s to millions of U.S. citizens today by David Johnson Related Links Features Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Timeline of Asian-American…

Got Pesticides?

The hidden ingredient in children's diets by Kim Lundgren The 10 Most Important Foods to Buy Organic Baby food Strawberries Grains Milk Corn (corn chips, popcorn) Bananas Green beans Peaches…