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Displaying 391 - 400

Richard Nixon: Watergate

by Ann-Marie Imbornoni and Tasha Vincent The scandal that ended the Nixon presidency began on June 17, 1972, when five men, all employees of Nixon's reelection campaign, were caught…

Brewer's: Dunce

A dolt; a stupid person. The word is taken from Duns Scotus, the learned schoolman and great supporter of the immaculate conception. His followers were called Dunsers. Tyndal says, when…

Brewer's: Ecce Homo

A painting by Correggio of our Lord crowned with thorns and bound with ropes, as He was shown to the people by Pilate, who said to them, “Ecce homo!” (Behold the man!) (John xix. 5.)…

Brewer's: Monism

The doctrine of the oneness of mind and matter, God and the universe. It ignores all that is supernatural, and the dualism of mind and matter, God and creation; and, as this is the case,…

Brewer's: Moon-calf

is an inanimate, shapeless mass (Pliny; Natural History, x. 64). This abortion was supposed to be produced by the influence of the moon. The primary meaning of calf is not the young of a…

Brewer's: Sanscara

The ten essential rites of Hindus of the first three castes. (1) at the conception of a child; (2) at the quickening; (3) at birth; (4) at naming; (5) carrying the child out to see the…

Brewer's: Dialectics

Metaphysics; the art of disputation; that strictly logical discussion which leads to reliable results. The product or result is ideas, which, being classified, produce knowledge; but all…

Killer Tornadoes of 2013

Since 1971, the United States has used the Enhanced F-Scale to quantify tornado strength and destructive properties based on an assessment of 8 levels of damage to 28 separate indicators. In…

Geometry: Non-Euclidean Geometry

Non-Euclidean GeometryGeometryWhose Geometry Is It Anyway?Non-Euclidean GeometryHyperbolic Geometry: Saddle Up!Spherical GeometryTaxi-Cab GeometryMax GeometryHow Many Shapes Can a Circle Have?…