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The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 37

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 36Federalist No. 38Federalist No. 37 Concerning the Difficulties of the Convention in Devising a Proper Form of Government…

A Tenth Planet? Or Just Eight?

—By Borgna Brunner In 2003 the dating of an Ethiopian Homo sapiens fossil, “Herto Man,” was hailed as a milestone in paleoanthropology. At 160,000 years old, Herto Man was a full 50,000 years…

Chemistry: Resonance Structures

Resonance StructuresChemistryBonding and Structure in Covalent CompoundsCovalent Compounds Get MysteriousThe Mystery and Wonder of Hybrid OrbitalsDrawing Lewis StructuresResonance StructuresValence…

Fast Facts on SpongeBob SquarePants

Absorb yourself in SpongeBob trivia by Holly Hartman More on SpongeBob The Science of SpongeBobQuiz: SpongeBob SquarePantsOther Cool Stuff Sea LifeSpongesFantastic Animal Facts Do…

The World's Most Notorious Despots, Part 3

The World's Most Notorious Despots by Borgna Brunner Top Ten Despots TamerlaneIvan the TerribleRobespierreJoseph StalinAdolph HitlerMao ZedongFrancois DuvalierNicolae CeausescuIdi…

Consumer Research Manager

Claudia Cook Tell us about your work-what do you do? My responsibility is to understand consumer needs, identify possible demand and changes in…

Brewer's: Dundreary

(Lord) (3syl.). The impersonation of a good-natured, indolent, blundering, empty-headed swell. The chief character in Tom Taylor's dramatic piece called Our American Cousin. Mr. Sothern…

Brewer's: Scotists

Followers of Duns Scotus, who maintained the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception in opposition to Thomas Aquinas. “Scotists and Thomists now in peace remain.” Pope: Essay on Criticism…

Brewer's: Thomists

Followers of Thomas Aquinas, who denied the doctrine of the immaculate conception maintained by Duns Scotus. “Scotists and Thomists now in peace remain.” Pope: Essay on Criticism, 444.…