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Car Names

In a Dodge Diplomat, a soccer mom feels positively patrician by Borgna Brunner 1958 Corvette Convertible Related Links Most Popular Car ColorsLeast and Most Polluting CarsMost…

Günter Grass

"Whose frolicsome black fables portray the forgotten face of history" Günter Grass, recently awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize for Literature, is a distinguished German novelist, lyricist, artist, and…

Fall of the Hindenburg

The fiery explosion on May 6, 1937 by Michael Morrison Related Links Great Disasters: Aircraft CrashesNavy Lakehurst Web Site: Description of the CrashHindenburg Explosion NewscastVideo Clip…

The Gap Year

A growing trend among American students by Elizabeth Olson Related Links Bad Advice for New Graduates Cost of Higher Education Distinctive Destinations for…


India's Largest Faith Hinduism is the major religion of India, practiced by more than 80% of the population. In contrast to other religions, it has no founder. Considered the oldest religion in the…

Federalist No. 37

No 36 No 38 Concerning the Difficulties of the Convention in Devising a Proper Form of Government From the Daily Advertiser.Friday, January 11, 1788.Madison To the…