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Mill, John Stuart

(Encyclopedia) Mill, John Stuart, 1806–73, British philosopher and economist. A precocious child, he was educated privately by his father, James Mill. In 1823, abandoning the study of law, he became…

Niemeyer Soares, Oscar

(Encyclopedia) Niemeyer Soares, OscarNiemeyer Soares, Oscar&oobreve;skärˈ nēˈmīər s&oobreve;äˈrəs [key], 1907–2012, Brazil's foremost 20th-century architect, b. Rio de Janeiro. Influenced by…

Angelico, Fra

(Encyclopedia) Angelico, FraAngelico, Frafrä änjĕlˈĭkō [key], c.1400–1455, Florentine painter, b. Vicchio, Tuscany. He was variously named Guido (his baptismal name), or Guidolino, di Pietro; and…

Poussin, Nicolas

(Encyclopedia) Poussin, NicolasPoussin, Nicolasnēkôläˈ [key], 1594–1665, French painter, b. Les Andelys. Poussin was considered the greatest of living painters by his contemporaries. Although he…


(Encyclopedia) eugenicseugenicsy&oomacr;jĕnˈĭks [key], study of human genetics and of methods to improve the inherited characteristics, physical and mental, of the human race. Efforts to improve…

Vojislav Kostunica

Yugoslavia's new president is both a Western liberal and Serb nationalist by David Johnson   President Vojislav Kostunica addresses the federal parliament on Oct. 7, 2000, in Belgrade…

Animal Classification

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Animal Classification How do I find out the species, genus, family, order, class, phylum (division), and kingdom of an animal? You can find…

Brewer's: Immolate

(3 syl.). To sacrifice; literally, “put meal on one.” The reference is to the ancient custom of sprinkling meal and salt on the head of a victim to be offered in sacrifice. (Latin, in-molo…

The Roots of Women's Rights

July 19 marks the anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention by Elissa Haney Susan B. Anthony (standing) and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were leaders in the struggle for women's rights. The "…