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Microevolution and Macroevolution: Introduction

IntroductionMicroevolution and MacroevolutionIntroductionMicroevolutionSpeciationMacroevolutionThe concepts covered in Historical Development and Mechanisms of Evolution and Natural Selection are…

Timeline: Labor Unions

Here's a history of organized labor in the United States 1869 One of the earliest and most influential labor organizations, the Knights of Labor is founded by Philadelphia tailors.…

Theories of the Universe: Introducing SUSY

Introducing SUSYTheories of the UniverseSupersymmetry, Superpartners, and SupermanAttempts at UnificationQuantum Mechanics vs. General RelativitySymmetry BreakingIntroducing SUSY I grew up reading…


(Encyclopedia) LogosLogoslōˈgŏs [key] [Gr.,=word], in Greek and Hebrew metaphysics, the unifying principle of the world. The central idea of the Logos is that it links God and man, hence any system…

The Economist's Toolbox: Introduction

IntroductionThe Economist's ToolboxIntroductionNumbers Please: Economic DataWatch Out!Virtually all aspects of economic activity can be measured, and most of them are. As you've seen, consumer…

The Chemistry of Biology: Introduction

IntroductionThe Chemistry of BiologyIntroductionAtomic TheoryChemical Reactions: Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Covalent BondsWaterOrganic ChemistryCarbohydratesLipidsProteinsNucleic AcidsVitamins and…

American Sign Language and Braille

Sign language for the deaf was first systematized in France during the 18th century by Abbot Charles-Michel l'Epée. French Sign Language (FSL) was brought to the United States in 1816 by…