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Changing Views of Free Speech in the U.S.

Many Americans, including many who supported the new Constitution, criticized the document because it lacked a bill of rights—a listing of the basic rights held by people against the new…

Labor Unions | Civics: Links to History

Links to History: Labor Unions 1860 source: Private Collection, The Bridgeman Art Library International Ltd.1869 One of the earliest and most influential labor organizations, the…

Does sugar affect water freezing?

The Question: Does sugar affect the freezing of water? Why? The Answer: The presence of sugar (or salt, or any other dissolved substance in…


(Encyclopedia) abortion, expulsion of the products of conception before the embryo or fetus is viable. Any interruption of human pregnancy prior to the 28th week is known as abortion. The term…

The World's Most Notorious Despots, Part 2

The World's Most Notorious Despots by Borgna Brunner Top Ten Despots TamerlaneIvan the TerribleRobespierreJoseph StalinAdolph HitlerMao ZedongFrancois DuvalierNicolae CeausescuIdi…

Life Sciences

Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources…

Theories of the Universe: Symmetry Breaking

Symmetry BreakingTheories of the UniverseSupersymmetry, Superpartners, and SupermanAttempts at UnificationQuantum Mechanics vs. General RelativitySymmetry BreakingIntroducing SUSY Universal…

U.S. Voting Rights

  When the Constitution was written, only white male property owners (about 10 to 16 percent of the nation's population) had the vote. Over the past two centuries, though, the term "government by…