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Displaying 471 - 480

Brewer's: Blade

A knowing blade, a sharp fellow; a regular blade, a buck or fop. (Anglo-Saxon, blad or blæd, a branch or sprig.) Blæd = “branch,” whence “fruit, prosperity, glory,” etc. The compound,…

Brewer's: Bodies

Compound bodies, in chemical phraseology, mean those which have two or more simple bodies or elements in their composition, as water. Simple bodies, in chemical phraseology, mean the…

Brewer's: Loose-strife

Botanically called Lysimachia, a Greek compound meaning the same thing. The author of Flora Domestica tells us that the Romans put these flowers under the yokes of oxen to keep them from…

Brewer's: Lord

A nobleman. The word lord is a contraction of hlaford (Saxon for “loaf-author” or “bread-earner”). Retainers were called hlaf-ætas, or “bread-eaters.” Verstegan suggests hlaf-ford, “bread-…

Brewer's: Nadab

in Dryden's satire of Absalom and Achitophel, is meant for Lord Howard, of Esrick or Escriek, a profligate who laid claim to great piety. Nadab offered incense with strange fire, and was…

Brewer's: Orvietan

(3 syl.) or Venice treacle, once believed to be a sovereign remedy against poison. From Orvieto, a city of Italy, where it is said to have been first used. “With these drugs will I, this…

Brewer's: Hahnemann

(Samuel). A German physician, who set forth in his Organon of Medicine the system which he called “homœopathy” the principles of which are these: (1) that diseases are cured by those…

Brewer's: Halcyon Days

A time of happiness and prosperity. Halcyon is the Greek for a kingfisher, compounded of hals (the sea) and kuo (to brood on). The ancient Sicilians believed that the kingfisher laid its…

Brewer's: Hidalgo

The title in Spain of the lower nobility. (According to Bishop St. Vincent, the word is compounded of hijo del Goto, son of a Goth; but more probably it is hijo and dalgo. Hija = child or…

Brewer's: High Jinks

He is at high jinks. The present use of the phrase expresses the idea of uproarious fun and jollity. “The frolicsome company had begun to practise the ancient and now forgotten pastime of…