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Displaying 451 - 460

Brewer's: Acropolis

Acrop′olis The citadel of ancient Athens. Of course, the word is compounded of akros and polis = the city on the height, i.e., the high rock Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Meerschaum

(2 syl., German, sea-froth.) This mineral, from having been found on the sea-shore in rounded white lumps, was ignorantly supposed to be sea-froth petrified; but it is a compound of silica…

Brewer's: Pallas

A name of Minerva, sometimes called Pallas Minerva. According to fable, Pallas was one of the Titans, of giant size, killed by Minerva, who flayed him, and used his skin for armour; whence…

Brewer's: Indian Drug

(The). Tobacco. His breath compounded of strong English beere, And th' Indian drug, would suffer none come neere. Taylor, the Water Poet (1630). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

Brewer's: Devil's Luck

(The). Astounding good luck. Persons always lucky were thought at one time to have compounded with the Devil. “You won't have to pay his annuity very long; you have the Devil's luck in…

Brewer's: Dynamite

(3 syl.). An explosive compound consisting of some absorbent (as infusorial earth) saturated with nitroglycerine. (Greek, dunamis, power.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Knights of the Pestle

or Knights of the Pestle and Mortar. Apothecaries or druggists, whose chief instrument is the pestle and mortar, used in compounding medicines. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

Brewer's: Heriot

A right of the lord of a manor to the best jewel, beast, or chattel of a deceased copyhold tenant. The word is compounded of the Saxon here (army), geatu (grant), because originally it was…

Brewer's: Great Unwashed

(The). The artisan class. Burke first used the compound, but Sir Walter Scott popularised it. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Great Wits JumpGreat Unknown A…

Brewer's: Greenwich

is the Saxon Grenë-wic (green village), formerly called Grenawic, and in old Latin authors “Grenoviam viridis.” Some think it is a compound of grian-wic (the sun city). Source:…