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Brewer's: Acropolis

Acrop′olis The citadel of ancient Athens. Of course, the word is compounded of akros and polis = the city on the height, i.e., the high rock Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Great Unwashed

(The). The artisan class. Burke first used the compound, but Sir Walter Scott popularised it. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Great Wits JumpGreat Unknown A…

Brewer's: Greenwich

is the Saxon Grenë-wic (green village), formerly called Grenawic, and in old Latin authors “Grenoviam viridis.” Some think it is a compound of grian-wic (the sun city). Source:…

Brewer's: Indian Drug

(The). Tobacco. His breath compounded of strong English beere, And th' Indian drug, would suffer none come neere. Taylor, the Water Poet (1630). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

Brewer's: Dynamite

(3 syl.). An explosive compound consisting of some absorbent (as infusorial earth) saturated with nitroglycerine. (Greek, dunamis, power.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Devil's Luck

(The). Astounding good luck. Persons always lucky were thought at one time to have compounded with the Devil. “You won't have to pay his annuity very long; you have the Devil's luck in…

Brewer's: Boustrap'a

Napoleon III. The word is compounded of the first syllables Bou -logne, Stra -sbourg, Pa -ris, and alludes to his escapades in 1836 and 1840. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Nostrum

means Our own. It is applied to a quack medicine, the ingredients of which are supposed to be a secret of the compounders. (Latin.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Quince

(Peter) A carpenter, and manager of the play in Midsummer Night's Dream. He is noted for some strange compounds, such as laughable tragedy, lamentable comedy, tragical mirth, etc. Source…

Brewer's: Receipt

is a direction for compounding or mixing together certain ingredients to make something required. It also means a written discharge to a debtor for the payment of a debt. Source:…