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What Curiosity Can Tell Us About Mars

The 1 ton rover proves to be a huge success for NASA by Jennie Wood Here's one of the first images of Mars taken by NASA's Curiosity rover. Photo Credit: NASA Related Links Space…

Munich Massacre

The worst tragedy in modern Olympic history by Mike Morrison The Munich Olympics in 1972 were marred by terrorism. (Source: AP) Related Links Olympics Overview 20121972 GamesTerrorism Around…

Glossary of Chemical Terms - I

IA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z immiscible Two liquids that do not dissolve in each other. incineration Burning of wastes under controlled high temperatures and oxygen levels…

Brewer's: Abstemious

Abste′mious according to Fabius and Aulus Gellius, is compounded of abs and temetum. “Temetum” was a strong, intoxicating drink, allied to the Greek methu (strong drink). “Vinum prisca…

Canoe/Kayak in the 2012 Summer Olympics

First Olympic Appearance: 1924 by Gerry Brown and Mark Zurlo Did You Know? The four-person sprint kayaks can reach speeds fast enough to pull a water-skier. Related Links Olympics…

William Shakespeare: Henry V, Act IV, Scene VI

Scene VIAnother part of the fieldAlarums. Enter King Henry and forces, Exeter, and othersKing Henry VWell have we done, thrice valiant countrymen: But all's not done; yet keep the French the…

May 2003 Disasters

May: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which was first detected in southern China last November, continued to spread in China and Taiwan but appeared to be contained in other areas of…

May 2011 Current Events: World News

U.S. News | Disasters & Science News Here are the key events in world news for the month of May 2011. Osama bin Laden Is Killed in Pakistan (May 1): U.S. troops and CIA operatives shoot and…