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Displaying 271 - 280

Huysum, Jan van

(Encyclopedia) Huysum, Jan vanHuysum, Jan vanyän vän hoiˈs&oobreve;m [key], 1682–1749, Dutch painter of still life and landscapes. His father was Justus van Huysum (1659–1716), a successful…

Hittorff, Jacques Ignace

(Encyclopedia) Hittorff, Jacques IgnaceHittorff, Jacques Ignacezhäk ēnyäsˈ ētôrfˈ [key], 1792–1867, French architect. He became a leading exponent of the classical revival in France, and his chief…

Senior, Nassau

(Encyclopedia) Senior, Nassau, 1790–1864, English economist. A graduate of Oxford, he was called there in 1825 to fill the first chair of political economy in England. In An Outline of the Science of…

Sergel, Johan Tobias

(Encyclopedia) Sergel, Johan TobiasSergel, Johan Tobiasy&oomacr;ˈhän t&oomacr;bēˈäs sĕrˈyəl [key], 1740–1814, Swedish sculptor. He studied (1767–79) in Rome, and much of his sculpture is in…

Prix de Rome, Grand

(Encyclopedia) Prix de Rome, GrandPrix de Rome, GrandgräN prē də rôm [key], prize awarded annually by the French government, through competitive examination, to students of the fine arts. It entitles…

Powers, Hiram

(Encyclopedia) Powers, Hiram, 1805–73, American sculptor, b. Woodstock, Vt. Having moved to Ohio, he made wax models for a Cincinnati museum. In 1835 he began his career as a sculptor, spending some…


(Encyclopedia) ParrhasiusParrhasiuspərāˈshēəs [key], fl. c.400 b.c., Greek painter. He was born in Ephesus but settled in Athens and is classed with the Attic painters. One of the greatest painters…

Vörösmarty, Mihály

(Encyclopedia) Vörösmarty, MihályVörösmarty, Mihálymĭˈhälyə vöˈröshmŏrˌtē [key], 1800–1855, Hungarian poet. Considered one of the greatest Hungarian poets, he created a new poetic language and…


(Encyclopedia) F, sixth letter of the alphabet. The Greek letter corresponding to it, digamma, which probably represented a sound like w, disappeared before the classical period. In Western alphabets…

Flötner, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Flötner or Flettner, PeterFlötner or Flettner, Peterpāˈtər flötˈnər, flĕtˈnər [key], c.1485–1546, German medalist and artisan, possibly Swiss by birth. He was active in decorative…