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Sá de Miranda, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia) Sá de Miranda, Francisco deSá de Miranda, Francisco defränsēshˈkō də sä də mēränˈdä [key], 1481–1558, Portuguese writer. A noble and a courtier, he lived for a time in Italy and became…

Nanni d'Antonio di Banco

(Encyclopedia) Nanni d'Antonio di BancoNanni d'Antonio di Banconänˈnē däntônˈyō dē bängˈkō [key], c.1384–1421, Florentine sculptor. After study with his father, Antonio di Banco, who worked on the…

Tacca, Pietro

(Encyclopedia) Tacca, PietroTacca, Pietropyāˈtrō täkˈkä [key], 1577–1644, Italian sculptor. A pupil of Giovanni Bologna, Tacca adopted the tortuous poses of mannerism and combined them in his bronzes…

Góngora y Argote, Luis de

(Encyclopedia) Góngora y Argote, Luis deGóngora y Argote, Luis del&oomacr;ēsˈ dā gōnˈgōrä ē ärgōˈtā [key], 1561–1627, poet of the Spanish Golden Age, b. Cordova. Of a cultured family, he studied…

Arnold, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Arnold, Thomas, 1795–1842, English educator, b. Isle of Wight, educated at Winchester school and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He was a fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, from 1815…


(Encyclopedia) EthiopicEthiopicēthēŏpˈĭk [key], extinct language of Ethiopia belonging to the North Ethiopic group of the South Semitic (or Ethiopic) languages, which, in turn, belong to the Semitic…

capital, in architecture

(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. Types of capitals B. Parts of a capital capital, in architecture, the crowning member of a column, pilaster, or pier. It acts as the bearing member beneath the lintel or…

Valla, Lorenzo

(Encyclopedia) Valla, LorenzoValla, Lorenzolōrānˈtsō välˈlä [key], c.1407–57, Italian humanist. Valla knew Greek and Latin well and was chosen by Pope Nicholas V to translate Herodotus and Thucydides…

Zeeman effect

(Encyclopedia) Zeeman effect, splitting of a single spectral line (see spectrum) into a group of closely spaced lines when the substance producing the single line is subjected to a uniform magnetic…

West, Benjamin

(Encyclopedia) West, Benjamin, 1738–1820, American historical painter who worked in England. He was born in Springfield, Pa., in a house that is now a memorial museum at Swarthmore College. After…