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Jones, Inigo

(Encyclopedia) Jones, InigoJones, Inigoĭnˈĭgōˌ [key], 1573–1652, one of England's first great architects. Son of a London clothmaker, he was enabled to travel in Europe before 1603 to study paintings…

Empire style

(Encyclopedia) Empire style, manner of French interior decoration and costume which evolved from the Directoire style. Designated Empire because of its identification with the reign of Napoleon I, it…


(Encyclopedia) aestheticsaestheticsĕsthĕtˈĭks [key], the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the nature of art and the criteria of artistic judgment. The classical conception of art as the…


(Encyclopedia) spire, high, tapering structure crowning a tower and having a general pyramidal outline. The simplest spires were the steeply pitched timber roofs capping Romanesque towers and…

Young, La Monte

(Encyclopedia) Young, La Monte, 1935-, American minimalist composer, b. Bern, Id., U.C.L.A. (B.A., 1958). Young’s family relocated several times…

Copenhagen ware

(Encyclopedia) Copenhagen ware, several types of pottery, both underglaze and overglaze, produced in Copenhagen since c.1760. At that time a Frenchman, Louis Fournier, made soft-paste chinaware in…


(Encyclopedia) Fronto (Marcus Cornelius Fronto)Frontofrŏnˈtō [key], fl. 2d cent., Roman teacher and rhetorician, b. Numidia, Africa. Antoninus Pius made him consul in 143. A successful teacher and…

Garnier, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Garnier, RobertGarnier, Robertrōbĕrˈ [key]Garnier, Robert gärnyāˈ [key], 1534?–1590, French dramatic poet. He wrote mainly closet dramas in the classical manner of Seneca. Les Juives […

Gordon, Judah Leon

(Encyclopedia) Gordon, Judah Leon, 1830–92, Russian-Hebrew novelist and poet, b. Vilna. As teacher and writer he was one of the leaders in the renaissance of a progressive culture among the Jews (see…

Abreu, José Antonio

(Encyclopedia) Abreu, José Antonio, 1939–2018, Venezuelan music educator, economist, and politician. With degrees in petroleum economics and in organ and composition, Abreu was an economics professor…