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Poggio Bracciolini, Gian Francesco

(Encyclopedia) Poggio Bracciolini, Gian FrancescoPoggio Bracciolini, Gian Francescojän fränchāsˈkō pôdˈjō brätˌchōlēˈnē [key], 1380–1459, Italian humanist. A secretary in the Roman curia, he later…

Porson, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Porson, Richard, 1759–1808, English classical scholar, b. Norfolk. A poor boy, he showed such astonishing powers of memory that patrons sent him through Eton and Cambridge. He was…

American Academy in Rome

(Encyclopedia) American Academy in Rome, founded in 1894 as the American School of Architecture in Rome by Charles F. McKim and enlarged in 1897 with the founding of the American Academy in Rome for…

Grenfell, Bernard Pyne

(Encyclopedia) Grenfell, Bernard PyneGrenfell, Bernard Pynegrĕnˈfĕl [key], 1869–1926, English classical scholar and Egyptologist. With Arthur Surridge Hunt he discovered at Oxyrhynchus the Logia of…

Tenerani, Pietro

(Encyclopedia) Tenerani, PietroTenerani, Pietropyĕˈtrō tānāräˈnē [key], c.1789–1869, Italian sculptor. He studied with both Canova and Thorvaldsen. Of his many works on classical and Christian…

Böcklin, Arnold

(Encyclopedia) Böcklin or Boecklin, ArnoldBöcklin or Boecklin, Arnoldboth: ärˈnôlt bökˈlēn [key], 1827–1901, Swiss painter. Most of his life was spent in Italy. With Feuerbach he led the group of…

Merovingian art and architecture

(Encyclopedia) Merovingian art and architectureMerovingian art and architecturemĕrˌəvĭnˈjēən [key]. This period is named for Merovech, the founder of the first Germanic-Frankish dynasty (c.a.d. 500–a…

Chapman, George

(Encyclopedia) Chapman, George, 1559?–1634, English dramatist, translator, and poet. He is as famous for his plays as for his poetic translations of Homer's Iliad (1612) and Odyssey (1614–15).…

Jones, Inigo

(Encyclopedia) Jones, InigoJones, Inigoĭnˈĭgōˌ [key], 1573–1652, one of England's first great architects. Son of a London clothmaker, he was enabled to travel in Europe before 1603 to study paintings…


(Encyclopedia) spire, high, tapering structure crowning a tower and having a general pyramidal outline. The simplest spires were the steeply pitched timber roofs capping Romanesque towers and…