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Guérin, Maurice de

(Encyclopedia) Guérin, Maurice de (Georges Maurice de Guérin)Guérin, Maurice dezhôrzh mōrēsˈ də gārăNˈ [key], 1810–39, French writer. At his early death he left two fragmentary prose poems, Le…


(Encyclopedia) Achaeans, people of ancient Greece, of unknown origin. In Homer, the Achaeans are specifically a Greek-speaking people of S Thessaly. Historically, they seem to have appeared in the…

Vouet, Simon

(Encyclopedia) Vouet, SimonVouet, SimonsēmôNˈ vwā [key], 1590–1649, French portrait and decorative painter. He first established himself as a successful painter in Rome. Recalled to France in 1627 as…

Petipa, Marius

(Encyclopedia) Petipa, MariusPetipa, Mariusmäryüsˈ pĕtēpäˈ [key], 1818–1910, French dancer and choreographer, b. Marseilles. Petipa rose to prominence at the Imperial Theatre in St. Petersburg. He…

Rivera, José Eustasio

(Encyclopedia) Rivera, José EustasioRivera, José Eustasiohōsāˈ ā&oomacr;stäˈsyō [key]Rivera, José Eustasio rēvāˈrä [key], 1889–1928, Colombian novelist. Rivera served on the commission to fix the…


(Encyclopedia) sonatasonatasənäˈtə [key], in music, type of instrumental composition that arose in Italy in the 17th cent. At first the term merely distinguished an instrumental piece from a piece…

Heiberg, Johan Ludvig

(Encyclopedia) Heiberg, Johan LudvigHeiberg, Johan Ludvigyōhănˈ l&oomacr;ᵺˈvē hīˈbâr [key], 1791–1860, Danish writer, director of the National Theater. In the play Christmas Fun and New Year's…

Heywood, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Heywood, Thomas, 1574?–1641, English dramatist. A prolific writer, he claimed to have written and collaborated on more than 200 plays, most of which are now lost. Although he wrote…

Hobson, John Atkinson

(Encyclopedia) Hobson, John Atkinson, 1858–1940, English economist and journalist. He achieved wide popularity as a lecturer and writer. Criticizing classical economics, which centered on man's…

Lycurgus, founder of the Spartan constitution

(Encyclopedia) LycurgusLycurguslīkûrˈgəs [key], traditional name of the founder of the Spartan constitution. The earliest mention of him is in Herodotus. Nothing is known of his life—when he lived or…