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Lycurgus, founder of the Spartan constitution

(Encyclopedia) LycurgusLycurguslīkûrˈgəs [key], traditional name of the founder of the Spartan constitution. The earliest mention of him is in Herodotus. Nothing is known of his life—when he lived or…

eclecticism, in philosophy

(Encyclopedia) eclecticismeclecticismĭklĕkˈtĭsĭzˌəm [key] [Gr. eklektikos=to choose], in philosophy, the selection of elements from different systems of thought, without regard to possible…

Enchi, Fumiko

(Encyclopedia) Enchi, FumikoEnchi, Fumikof&oomacr;ˈmēˈkō ĕnˈchē [key], 1905–86, Japanese novelist and literary critic. The daughter of a well-known Japanese literary scholar, she first wrote for…

Heiberg, Johan Ludvig

(Encyclopedia) Heiberg, Johan LudvigHeiberg, Johan Ludvigyōhănˈ l&oomacr;ᵺˈvē hīˈbâr [key], 1791–1860, Danish writer, director of the National Theater. In the play Christmas Fun and New Year's…

Heywood, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Heywood, Thomas, 1574?–1641, English dramatist. A prolific writer, he claimed to have written and collaborated on more than 200 plays, most of which are now lost. Although he wrote…

Carew, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Carew, Thomas, 1595?–1639?, English author, one of the Cavalier poets. Educated at Merton College, Oxford, he had a short diplomatic career on the Continent, then returned to England…

Celtes, Conradus Protucius

(Encyclopedia) Celtes, Conradus ProtuciusCeltes, Conradus Protuciuskōnˈrädəs prōˈt&oobreve;tsēəs kĕlˈtəs [key], pseud. of Konrad PickelCeltes, Conradus Protuciuskônˈrät pĭkˈəl [key], 1459–1508,…

Bembo, Pietro

(Encyclopedia) Bembo, PietroBembo, Pietropyāˈtrō bĕmˈbō [key], 1470–1547, Italian humanist, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. A favorite of the Medici, he was secretary to Pope Leo X and was…

Valencia, Guillermo

(Encyclopedia) Valencia, GuillermoValencia, Guillermogēyārˈmō välānˈsyä [key], 1873–1943, Colombian poet, one of the leaders of modernismo. He came from an aristocratic family, received solid…

Housman, A. E.

(Encyclopedia) Housman, A. E. (Alfred Edward Housman)Housman, A. E.housˈmən [key], 1859–1936, English poet and scholar, whose verse exerted a strong influence on later poets. He left Oxford without a…