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(Encyclopedia) ChangshaChangshachängˈshäˈ [key], city (1994 est. pop. 1,198,100), capital of Hunan prov., S China, on the Xiang River. The name, which means “long sandbank,” is derived from an island…

Yang Kuei-fei

(Encyclopedia) Yang Kuei-feiYang Kuei-feiyäng gwā-fā [key], 719–56, concubine of the T'ang emperor Hsüan-tsung. The most famous beauty in Chinese history, in legend she is said to have captivated the…


(Encyclopedia) PhuketPhuketp&oomacr;ˈkĭt [key], island, 206 sq mi (534 sq km), a province of Thailand, in the Andaman Sea, off the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. The town of Phuket is the…


(Encyclopedia) Nurhaci or NurhachiNurhachin&oomacr;rˈhächē [key], 1559–1626, Manchu national founder. He consolidated the Manchu tribes under his control and founded the administration that later…


(Encyclopedia) MenciusMenciusmĕnˈshəs [key], Mandarin Meng-tzu, 371?–288? b.c., Chinese Confucian philosopher. The principal source for Mencius' life is his own writings. He was born in the ancient…

Lee, Ang

(Encyclopedia) Lee, AngLee, Angäng [key], 1954–, Taiwanese filmmaker. Lee is one of the few directors who have achieved commercial and critical success in Asia and the United States, and is also…


(Encyclopedia) PyongyangPyongyangpēyŭngˈyängˈ [key], Chin. Pingyang, Jap. Heijo, city (1993 pop. 2,741,260), capital of North Korea, SW North Korea, on a high bluff above the Taedong River. It is a…


(Encyclopedia) ManchuriaManchuriamănch&oobreve;rˈēə [key], Mandarin Dongbei sansheng [three northeastern provinces], region, c.600,000 sq mi (1,554,000 sq km), NE China. It is officially known as…

Corinthian War

(Encyclopedia) Corinthian War (395 b.c.–86 b.c.), armed conflict between Corinth, Argos, Thebes, and Athens on one side and Sparta on the other. Angered by Sparta's tyrannical overlordship in Greece…

Arias Sánchez, Oscar

(Encyclopedia) Arias Sánchez, OscarArias Sánchez, Oscarôsˈkär ärˈyäs sänˈchĕz [key], 1941–, president of Costa Rica (1986–90, 2006–). He was financial adviser to the president (1970–72), minister of…