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Wang Yang-ming

(Encyclopedia) Wang Yang-mingWang Yang-mingwäng yäng-mĭng [key], 1472–1529, Chinese philosopher. He developed an idealist interpretation of Confucianism that denied the rationalist dualism of the…

Forbidden City

(Encyclopedia) Forbidden City: see Beijing and Chinese architecture.

Zhou Enlai

(Encyclopedia) Zhou Enlai or Chou En-laiZhou Enlaiboth: jō ĕn-lī [key], 1898–1976, Chinese Communist leader. A member of a noted Mandarin family, he was educated at an American-supported school in…

Pérez Esquivel, Adolpho

(Encyclopedia) Pérez Esquivel, Adolpho, 1931–, Argentine sculptor, architect, and humanitarian. A professor at the Argentine National School of Fine Arts, he resigned (1974) to become head of Peace…

Buisson, Ferdinand Édouard

(Encyclopedia) Buisson, Ferdinand ÉdouardBuisson, Ferdinand ÉdouardfĕrdēnäNˈ ādwärˈ büēsôNˈ [key], 1841–1932, French educator and Nobel Peace Prize winner. He studied at the Sorbonne and later taught…

truce of God

(Encyclopedia) truce of God, in the Middle Ages, an attempt by the Catholic church to limit private warfare between feudal lords. It is related to the peace of God, which exempted clergy, women,…

Tiangong 1 & 2

(Encyclopedia) Tiangong, Chinese space station: see space exploration; space station.

May 2014 Current Events: World News

U.S. News | Business News | Disasters & Science News Here are the key events in world news for the month of May 2014. Fighting Escalates…


(Encyclopedia) ShanghaiShanghaishăngˈhīˈ, shängˈhīˈ [key], city and municipality (2010 pop. 23,019,148), in, but independent of, Jiangsu prov., E China, on the Huangpu (Whangpoo) River where it flows…