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justice of the peace

(Encyclopedia) justice of the peace, official presiding over a type of police court. In some states of the United States the justices, who are usually elected, have jurisdiction over petty civil and…

Pyrenees, Peace of the

(Encyclopedia) Pyrenees, Peace of the, 1659, treaty ending the warfare between France and Spain that, continuing after the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years War, had been complicated…


(Encyclopedia) ShangShangshäng [key] or Yin, dynasty of China, which ruled, according to traditional dates, from c.1766 b.c. to c.1122 b.c. or, according to some modern scholars, from c.1523 b.c. to…


(Encyclopedia) chengchengchĕng, jĕng [key], Chinese stringed instrument similar to the zither. It is also spelled jeng and tseng.

Callias, fl. 449 b.c., Athenian statesman

(Encyclopedia) CalliasCalliaskălˈēəs [key], fl. 449 b.c., Athenian statesman; he was related to Cimon and also to Aristides. He distinguished himself at the battle of Marathon (490 b.c.) and was a…


(Encyclopedia) ManchukuoManchukuomănch&oomacr;ˈkwō [key], former country, comprising the three provinces of NE China, traditionally called Manchuria. The Japanese invaded Manchuria in 1931 and…

Book of Changes

(Encyclopedia) Book of Changes or I ChingI Chingē jĭng, ē chĭng [key], ancient Chinese book of prophecy and wisdom. The oldest parts of its text are thought to have attained their present form in the…

Wang Yang-ming

(Encyclopedia) Wang Yang-mingWang Yang-mingwäng yäng-mĭng [key], 1472–1529, Chinese philosopher. He developed an idealist interpretation of Confucianism that denied the rationalist dualism of the…

Ah Cheng

(Encyclopedia) Ah ChengAh Chengäˈjûng [key], pseud. of Zhong Acheng, 1949–, Chinese writer and painter. His father, the film critic Zhong Dianfei, was forced by the Communist government to sell his…


(Encyclopedia) SihanoukvilleSihanoukvillesēˈən&oobreve;kˌvĭlˌ [key] or Kompong SomSihanoukvillekämˈpôngˈ sôm [key], city and seaport (1994 est. pop. 75,000), Sihanoukville prov., S Cambodia, on…