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(Encyclopedia) Kulun, Chinese name of Ulaanbaatar.

Li Hung-chang

(Encyclopedia) Li Hung-changLi Hung-changlē h&oomacr;ng-jäng [key], 1823–1901, Chinese statesman and general. His first success was as a commander of forces fighting the Taiping Rebellion. As…

Lin Yutang

(Encyclopedia) Lin YutangLin Yutanglĭn yüˈtängˈ [key], 1895–1976, Chinese-American writer, translator, and editor, b. Lunqi, Fujian, educated in China and at Harvard, Ph.D. Univ. of Leipzig, 1923.…

Paracel Islands

(Encyclopedia) Paracel IslandsParacel Islandspäräsĕlˈ [key], Chin. Xisha, group of low coral islands and reefs in the South China Sea, c.175 mi (280 km) SE of Hainan island. They are rich in guano…

Chiang Ching-kuo

(Encyclopedia) Chiang Ching-kuoChiang Ching-kuojyäng jĭng-gwô [key], 1909–88, eldest son of Chiang Kai-shek, Chinese Nationalist leader, and president of Taiwan. Returning after 12 years in the…

Chu Hsi

(Encyclopedia) Chu HsiChu Hsij&oomacr; shē [key], 1130–1200, Chinese philosopher of Neo-Confucianism. While borrowing heavily from Buddhism, his new metaphysics reinvigorated Confucianism.…


(Encyclopedia) Wu-tiWu-tiw&oomacr; dē [key], posthumous temple name of the 5th emperor (140 b.c.–87 b.c.) of the Han dynasty. Wu-ti [Chin.,=martial emperor] ruled directly through a palace…

Burma Road

(Encyclopedia) Burma Road, in China and Myanmar, extending from the railhead of Lashio, Myanmar, to Kunming, Yunnan prov., China. About 700 mi (1,130 km) long and constructed through rough mountain…

Wen Jiabao

(Encyclopedia) Wen JiabaoWen Jiabaowĕnˈ jyäˈbouˈ [key], 1942–, Chinese political leader, b. Tianjin. Originally a geologist, he worked for the Gansu provincial geological bureau (1968–82), where he…